Oboe reed shaper comparison March 13, 2025With the addition of a Samson +3 shaper to my collection I’m re-evaluating my choice of shapers for reeds. Shown here, Samson, Mack-Pfeiffer, Caleb, Joshua and RDG-1 shapers.
Spring 2025 performance schedule March 10, 2025I've got some great concerts coming up! Here's where I'll be performing this spring and early summer: May 10, "Blending of Sounds", cantata Hospodni terezy by Myroslav Volynsky with Kapella Kyrie https://kappellakyrie.org/events/...
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 February 13, 2025What a thrill to be involved in this production at Grant Macewan University. Playing in the fabulous band with Dan Davis, Ian and Sarah Woodman, Aaron Addorisio, Mike Lent, Noah...
ESO Rusty Musicians 2024 May 18, 2024Rusty Musicians Summer Camp is an orchestra camp for adult musicians July 3-7 at the Winspear Centre in Edmonton, Alberta. You get expert instruction from ESO musicians (I'm the oboe coach, challenging...
Upcoming spring concerts May 2, 2024 May 5: Handel's Water Music with the Alberta Baroque Ensemble https://albertabaroque.com/ May 12: Mozart Mass in C Minor with the Richard Eaton Singers https://richardeatonsingers.com/ May 17-19 Rachmaninoff Symphonic Dances with the...
Alberta Baroque Ensemble: The Philosopher January 25, 2024 M. Haydn Symphony in G Major Gluck Sinfonia in G Major Mozart Violin Concerto in B Flat Major F.J. Haydn Symphony No.22 “The Philosopher”